Backdoor 2017 No Calm 350

Backdoor 2017 no.clam - 350

h3rcul35 and starlord were having a heated conversation and to c00l down the furious starlord, h3rcul35 gave him a binary and said “The binary takes each ‘character’ byte of the flag as argument. Given this info, grab the flag. I hope you dont get angry :P”. Show h3rcul35 that you stayed c00l by finding the flag.

Challenge file

file challenge
challenge: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, 
for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=19a85aefbf9989c28ef64ae7a1c164882a0fa9af, not stripped

running the program tells us that there should be some arguments


Usage ./challenge <each byte of flag seperated by spaces>

let’s examine the binary with radare2

| |           0x004007ea      mov dword [local_44h], edi               
| |           0x004007ed      mov qword [local_50h], rsi               
| |           0x004007f1      mov rax, qword fs:[0x28]                 
| |           0x004007fa      mov qword [local_8h], rax                
| |           0x004007fe      xor eax, eax                             
| |           0x00400800      cmp dword [local_44h], 0x1f              <---- Check for no.of arg
| |       ,=< 0x00400804      je 0x40081f                              
| |       |   0x00400806      mov edi, str.Usage_._challenge__each_byte
| |       |   0x0040080b      mov eax, 0                               
| |       |   0x00400810      call sym.imp.printf                      
| |       |   0x00400815      mov edi, 1                               
| |       |   0x0040081a      call sym.imp.exit                        
| |       `-> 0x0040081f      mov dword [local_34h], 0                 
| |       .-> 0x00400826      mov eax, dword [local_44h]               

here we can see that , no of argument is checked with 0x1f ie we have to give 30 characters

These arguments are moved to the stack and some checks are performed

|        |                                       |
|.----------------------------------.      .--------------------------------------------.
||  0x400831 ;[gh];loop to mov input|      |  0x40085e ;[gf]                            |
|| mov eax, dword [local_34h]       |      |      ; JMP XREF from 0x0040082f (sym.main) |
|| cdqe                             |      | movzx eax, byte [local_30h]                |
|| add rax, 1                       |      | movsx edx, al                              |
|| lea rdx, [rax*8]                 |      | movzx eax, byte [local_2fh]                |
|| mov rax, qword [local_50h]       |      | movsx eax, al                              |
||    ; '('                         |      | add edx, eax                               |
|| add rax, rdx                     |      | movzx eax, byte [local_2eh]                |
|| mov rax, qword [rax]             |      | movsx eax, al                              |
|| movzx edx, byte [rax]            |      | sub edx, eax                               |
|| mov eax, dword [local_34h]       |      | mov eax, edx                               |
|| cdqe                             |      |    ; 'Q'                                   |
|| mov byte [rbp + rax - 0x30], dl  |      |    ; 'Q'                                   |
|| add dword [local_34h], 1         |      |    ; 81                                    |
|| jmp 0x400826;[gg]                |      | cmp eax, 0x51         <-- the result is compared
|`----------------------------------'      | jne 0x400d66;[gi]                          |
|    v                                     `--------------------------------------------'
|    |                                             f t
|    |                                             | |
`----'                                             | |
                                                   | '-.
            .--------------------------------------'   |
            |                                          |
    .------------------------------.             .--------------------------------------------.
    |  0x400882 ;[gk]              |             |  0x400d66 ;[gi]                            |
    | movzx eax, byte [local_30h]  |             |      ; JMP XREF from 0x0040087c (sym.main) |
    | movsx edx, al                |             | call sym.fail__;[gBs]                      |
    | movzx eax, byte [local_2fh]  |             `--------------------------------------------'
    | movsx eax, al                |                 v
    | sub edx, eax                 |                 |
    | movzx eax, byte [local_2eh]  |                 |
    | movsx eax, al                | <-- Next comparision
    | add eax, edx                 |                 |
    |    ; '5'                     |                 |
    |    ; '5'                     |                 |
    |    ; 53                      |                 |

the first three constrains are


From these constrains we can get the first three characters

We can see a pattern here they take 3 arguments checks the constrains then takes next three and check is performed again , solving these manually is not an option

extracting the comparisons

[0x004007e3]> /c cmp eax
0x004006fd   # 3: cmp eax, 0xe
0x00400771   # 5: cmp eax, 0x2018e9
0x0040082c   # 3: cmp eax, dword [rbp - 0x34]
0x00400879   # 3: cmp eax, 0x51
0x0040089b   # 3: cmp eax, 0x35
0x004008bd   # 3: cmp eax, 0x57
0x004008e1   # 3: cmp eax, 0x5a
0x00400903   # 5: cmp eax, 0x9c
0x00400927   # 3: cmp eax, 0x42
0x0040094b   # 3: cmp eax, 0x62
0x0040096d   # 5: cmp eax, 0x8c
0x00400991   # 3: cmp eax, 0x5c
0x004009b5   # 3: cmp eax, 0x26
0x004009d7   # 5: cmp eax, 0xaa
0x004009fb   # 3: cmp eax, 0x3c
0x00400a1f   # 3: cmp eax, 0x1d
0x00400a41   # 5: cmp eax, 0xa1
0x00400a65   # 3: cmp eax, 0x45
0x00400a89   # 5: cmp eax, 0xa3
0x00400aad   # 3: cmp eax, 0x1b
0x00400acf   # 3: cmp eax, 0x45
0x00400af3   # 5: cmp eax, 0x93
0x00400b17   # 3: cmp eax, 0x2b
0x00400b39   # 3: cmp eax, 0x3b
0x00400b5d   # 5: cmp eax, 0x92
0x00400b81   # 3: cmp eax, 0x56
0x00400ba3   # 3: cmp eax, 0x2c
0x00400bc7   # 3: cmp eax, 0x43
0x00400be9   # 3: cmp eax, 0x59
0x00400c0b   # 3: cmp eax, 0x4b
0x00400c2f   # 3: cmp eax, 0x75
0x00400c4d   # 3: cmp eax, 0x7d
0x00400c6b   # 3: cmp eax, 0x7d
0x00400d2d   # 5: cmp eax, 0xfffa99e8

now it’s time to write script , using z3 we can solve these constrains to obtain the flag

from z3 import *
byte = [ 0x51 , 0x35 , 0x57 , 0x5a , 0x9c , 0x42 , 0x62 , 0x8c , 0x5c , 0x26 , 0xaa , 0x3c , 0x1d , 0xa1 , 0x45 , 0xa3 , 0x1b , 0x45 , 0x93 , 0x2b , 0x3b , 0x92 , 0x56 , 0x2c , 0x43 , 0x59 , 0x4b , 0x75 , 0x7d , 0x7d ]
flag = ''
for i in range(0,len(byte),3):
    x = Int('x')
    y = Int('y')
    z = Int('z')
    s = Solver()
    m = s.model()
    flag += chr(int(str(m[x])))
    flag += chr(int(str(m[y])))
    flag += chr(int(str(m[z])))